Beginning Dance Video Series with Popular Chinese Songs (4 DVDs)
Product Details
Disc 1 Highlight
爱我你就抱抱我 Hug Me If You Love Me, 洋娃娃和小熊跳舞 Foreign Doll Dancing With Little Bear, 小鸭子 The Little Duck, etc. (17 Dances and Songs)
Disc 2 Highlight
数字歌 The Number Song, 数鸭子 Counting the Ducks, 小青蛙 The Little Frog, etc.(17 Dances and Songs)
Disc 3 Highlight
三只小熊 Three Little Bears,中国娃 Chinese Kids,手牵手 Holding Hands, etc. (17 Dances and Songs)
Disc 4 Highlight
小小天使 Little Angels, 你最牛 You're the best, 小猫咪 Little Cat,etc. (17 Dances and Songs)
The Set comes with 10 high quality DVDs.